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Ada dua cara untuk mengungkapkan apa yang seseorang katakan yaitu: langsung (direct) dan tidak langsung (indirect/reported).
Pada kalimat langsung, kita mengulangi ucapan pembicara (speaker) sama persis. Kalimat langsung biasanya digunakan dalam percakapan di dalam buku, drama, ataupun dalam tanda kurung.

He said, ‘I have lost my umbrella.’
Kalimat langsung (direct) mempunyai dua bagian, yaitu: reporting sentence dan reported sentence. Reporting sentence adalah klausa yang berisi siapa yang berbicara, sedangkan reported sentence adalah klausa yang berisi apa yang dibicarakan.

Mike said, “I will come to your house.”
reporting reported
Sedangkan, pada kalimat tidak langsung (indirect), kita mengungkapkan maksud ucapan pembicara dengan ungkapan yang tidak sama persis.
He said (that) he had lost his umbrella.
A. Kalimat pernyataan (statement) pada kalimat tidak langsung (indirect)
Perubahan direct menjadi indirect pada statement ditandai dengan ‘that’.
Kalimat langsung yang reporting sentence-nya memiliki verb dalam bentuk present tense (simple present, present continuous, and present perfect atau future tense) maka tidak ada perubahan tenses pada reported sentence dalam bentuk tidak langsung (indirect). Ini biasanya terjadi apabila:
1. Melaporkan suatu percakapan yang masih berlangsung
2. Membaca surat dan melaporkan apa isi surat tersebut
3. Membaca perintah dan langsung melaporkannya pada waktu tersebut
4. Melaporkan pernyataan yang sering muncul
• John (phoning from the station), “I’m trying to get a taxi.”
• Siska says,” The sun rises every morning.”
• John says that he is trying to get a taxi.
• Siska says that the sun rises every morning.

Namun demikian, kalimat tidak langsung biasanya diawali dengan verb lampau (past tense). Pada hal ini, verb pada reported sentence harus diganti dengan turun satu level.

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Ghosts Made in Indonesian

Ghosts Made in Indonesian

This is a ghost of infant boys (like Casper, but this one not funny, able to floats and invisible) . He is usually kept by a man tasked to stealing moneys.
Until today some people in my country still believe it exists (I don't).

The ghost of woman, died during her delivering process, has a hole in her stomach.
She's wandering looking for her son, which means young men in the real world.

A legendary mystical process in Bali, someone can transform him/herself into another thing (animal, building, tree or other things).
In this modern age people can transorm into a car, computer, even airplane.
The person with the greatest skill can transform into Rangga, a form of demon.

Jin Or Genie in western.
The myth about this ghost, came from Arabianculture.
It's hard to believe, but some people in my country still believe this, too.
Some people buy a Jin for their protector, from businessman to parliament member.

The ghost in white hood, hopping, usually found in graveyard.

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Long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West Sumatera, lived a woman and her son, Malin Kundang. Malin Kundang's father had passed away when he was a baby, and he had to live hard with his mother.
Malin Kundang was a healthy, dilligent, and strong child. He usually went to the sea to catch fish, and brought it to his mother, or sold it in the town.

One day, when Malin Kundang was sailing as usual, he saw a merchant's ship which was being raided by a small band of pirates. With his brave and power, Malin Kundang defeated the pirates. The merchant was so happy and asked Malin Kundang to sail with him. Malin Kundang agreed.
Many years later, Malin Kundang became a wealthty merchant, with a huge ship, loads of trading goods, many ship crews, and a beautiful wife. In his journey, his ship landed on a beach. The villagers reconigzed him, and the news ran fast in the town: Malin Kundang became a rich man and now he is here. His mother, in deepful sadnees after years of loneliness, ran to the beach to meet her beloved son again.
When the mother came, Malin Kundang, in front of his well dressed wife, his crews and his own gloriness, denied to meet old, poorand and dirty woman. For three times she begged Malin Kundang and for three times yelled at him. At last Malin Kundang said to her "Enough, old woman! I have never had a mother like you, a dirty and ugly peasant!" Then he ordered his crews to set sail.

Enraged, she cursed Malin Kundang that he would turn into a stone if he didn't apologize. Malin Kundang just laughed and set sail.
In the quiet sea, suddenly a thunderstorm came. His huge ship was wrecked and it was too late for Malin Kundang to apologized. He was thrown by the wave out of his ship, fell on a small island, and suddenly turned into stone.

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Snow White

A long time ago, a child was born to a queen and king and she was called Snow White. When the queen died, the king married again. This new queen was wicked and hated Snow white. The queen gave orders that Snow White was to be treated as a servant.
Snow White grew very beautiful and one day a Prince riding by, saw her at work and fell in love with her.
The queen was beautiful too, and every day she asked her Magic Mirror, "Who is the fairest in the land?" and the mirror always answered, "You are the fairest one of all".
But one day the mirror answered Snow White was the fairest in the land, and in a rage the queen gave orders to one of her Huntsmen to take Snow White into the woods and kill her.
The Huntsman had a kind heart and couldn't do the deed so told her to run away. She fled into the woods where Seven little dwarfs lived. Their house was small and strange.
Snow White entered the little house and finding it very untidy, started to clean up. Upstairs she found seven little beds. She was very tired and stretching out on one of the beds, was soon asleep.
When the Dwarfs came home they were surprised to find Snow White and after some argument, decided to let her stay. She promised to cook and look after them.
The Queen discovered where Snow White was living and disguising herself as a witch, took a poisoned apple and set out for the Dwarfs cottage. She gave Snow White the poisoned apple to eat and as soon as she bit the apple, she sank into unconsciousness.
Thinking she was dead, the Dwarfs built a glass coffin and put her in it. For days she lay in the forest in her glass coffin. One day, the Prince was riding through the forest looking for Snow White and found her. He leaned over and kissed her. She opened her eyes and sat up with a smile. Everyone was happy. The Prince took Snow White to his palace where they were married and lived happily ever after.

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What is a "narcotic" drug?

The first thing you should understand about the word "narcotic" is that it is used incorrectly more than it is used correctly. One good, quick way to tell whether someone actually knows anything about this subject is to listen to their use of this word. If they tell you that marijuana, cocaine, and meth are "narcotics" then count them among the vast legions of totally clueless people on this subject.
The word "narcotic" comes from the Greek word "narkos", meaning sleep. Therefore, "narcotics" are drugs that induce sleep. Specifically, that means the opiates such as heroin, morphine and related drugs. This is the correct meaning, so you should accept no other.
Cocaine and meth are not "narcotics". They are "stimulants", the exact opposite of a "narcotic". They cause people to be more awake and more active, not sleepy. Calling them :"narcotics" makes as much sense as calling coffee a "narcotic".
The classification of other drugs such as marijuana, alcohol, and others is open to question. (That is a subject for another page.) Some might call them "tranquilizers", "depressants", or even "hallucinogens". Marijuana and alcohol may even have a tendency to induce sleep at times. However, calling them "narcotics" simply shows a lack of understanding of the different effects.
The problem is that US Government officials, and others who enforce and support drug prohibition, tend to refer to all illegal drugs as "narcotics". They do that for three major reasons.
One reason is that they are genuinely ignorant about these drugs and their effects. That may sound like a strange thing to say about our top drug law enforcers -- people supposed to be the top experts in this field -- but I can assure you that it is 100 percent true. After years of talking to them, I haven't met one yet -- from the official United States Drug Czar to the local narcotics officers on the street -- who could pass the most basic factual quiz on the subject.
The second reason is that "narcotic" sounds dangerous and makes good headlines. Consider how attractive newspaper headlines would be if government officials proclaimed the dangers of "tranquilizers" (which narcotics are, in some respects). It just doesn't have the same sex appeal.
The third reason is that it blurs the line between things like marijuana and heroin. Police can't take a lot of credit for busting someone with an ounce of pot, so they call it a "narcotics bust."
Watch for how people use the word "narcotic". It will tell you instantly whether their opinion on the subject is really worth the puff of air it takes to speak it.

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What is Corruption???

What is Corruption???

The word corruption means the destruction, ruining or the spoiling of a society or a nation. A corrupt society stops valuing integrity, virtue or moral principles. It changes for the worse. Such a society begins to decay and sets itself on the road to self destruction. Corruption is an age old phenomena. Selfishness and greed are the two main causes of corruption. Political corruption is the abuse of their powers by state officials for their unlawful private gain.
Over 1500 years ago the mighty Roman Empire disintegrated when its rulers became corrupt and selfish. Nations having a tyrannical powerful ruling elite that refuses to punish the corrupt within it, face the menace of corruption. A corrupt society is characterized by immorality and lack of fear and respect for the law.

Corruption cannot be divorced from economics. Inequality of wealth, low wages and salaries are some of the economic causes of corruption. Employees often strike corrupt deals to supplement their meager incomes. A licence-permit regime or scarcity of basic commodities promotes corruption.
In societies where traditional, religious, ethical teaching and standards of morality are weak, corruption often thrives. These values should be revived among their congregations and subjects and in this effort religious leaders and chiefs have an important role to play. Of late, the media has carried out a large number of stories of prophets who misuse offerings and traditional healers who abuse their patients.
The judiciary, the law enforcement agencies and the education sector have an important role to play to fight corruption by changing the prevailing laws, punishments and the education system.
Corruption has prevailed in all forms of government. Various forms of corruption include extortion, graft, bribery, cronyism, nepotism, embezzlement and patronage. Corruption allows criminal activities such as money laundering, extortion and drug trafficking to thrive.
Corruption in several forms prevails all over the world with bribery alone crossing one trillion US dollars annually. A state of unchecked political corruption is known as kleptocacy, which literally means “rule by thieves”.
At times, bribes are given to avoid punishment. For some people, being corrupt is a way to get what they desire. In societies which ignore corruption, it becomes a way of life. People getting very low wages feel they have to demand bribes in order to lead decent lives. But they do not realize that corruption causes suffering to others.
The consequences of corruption for social and economic development are bad. Corruption hinders economic growth and deters investment. The impact of development assistance is reduced and natural resources are overexploited causing further harm to a country’s environmental assets. Resources are diverted from sectors such as education andhealth to less important sectors or personal enrichment. The rule of law is eroded and the people no longer respect or trust the state. A few people manage to get rich at the expense of society as a whole, while the poor suffer terribly. In the long run unchecked corruption pushes more and more people into poverty which often destabilizes a society.
Societies can fight corruption by letting the state know that they have had enough of it.The authorities move very quickly when the press or the television highlights instances of corruption. Education spreads political and social awareness and these are some factors that help curb the menace of corruption.

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